You can view publications by category (Blog Posts, Recent, Most Cited, Favorites, HCI History, Prototype Systems…), type of venue (Book, Book Chapter, Journal Article, Conference Paper…), or year of publication. Each publication has one year and one venue, but may appear in multiple categories.
J. Grudin, 2017. Morgan & Claypool.
I wrote this short book to provide practitioners and researchers a broad familiarity with the evolution of several fields that have contributed to HCI, their similarities and differences, and patterns over time that can help us address the opportunities, challenges, and surprises to come.
R.M. Baecker, J. Grudin, W.A.S. Buxton & S. Greenberg (Eds.), 1995. Morgan Kaufmann.
Writing topic overviews consumed years and several journal article equivalents of analysis and insight.
Two of these Canadian luminaries tired of my requests that they update their previous edition and invited me to join them.
Book Chapters
J. Grudin, 2008. In T. Erickson & D.W. McDonald (Eds.), HCI Remixed: Reflections on works that have influenced the HCI community, 105-110. MIT Press.
Powerful use of a typology of Joseph McGrath.
J. Grudin & D. Bargeron, 2005. In K. Okada, T. Hoshi & T. Inoue (Eds.), Communication and Collaboration Support Systems, 62-76. Omsha.
A technology that did not succeed, and the difficulty of publishing negative outcomes that impedes our collective progress.
J. Grudin, 2006. In J. Pruitt & T. Adlin, The persona lifecycle: Keeping people in mind, 642-663. Morgan Kaufmann.
This brings creative arts and experimental psychology, including dream analysis, to bear on the usefulness of personas.
N. Su, J. L. King & J. Grudin, 2017. In R. D. Galliers & M.- K. Stein (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Management Information Systems, forthcoming.
J. Grudin, 2014. In H. Topi (Ed.), Computer Science Handbook, Vol. II. Chapman & Hall / CRC Press. Table of contents
Overview of research on organizational uses of IM, weblogs, wikis, and social networking sites.
Robert J. Glushko, Ed. 2013. MIT Press.
A monumental book, now in its fourth edition.
Robert Glushko is on the faculty of the Berkeley School of Information.
J. Grudin, 2012. In J. Jacko (Ed.), Human-computer interaction handbook: Fundamentals, evolving technologies, and emerging applications. (3rd edition). Taylor & Francis.
A comprehensive examination of how and why different research communities arose and evolved. This was rewritten and extended in From Tool to Partner: The Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction.
J. Grudin & S. Poltrock, 2012. In S.W. Kozlowski (Ed.), Handbook of organizational psychology, 1323-1348. Oxford University Press.
What began as a simple review led to some new insights.
For 30 years, Steve Poltrock and I collaborated in conducting and reviewing CSCW research.
J. Grudin, 2011. In B. Cronin (Ed.), Annual review of information science and technology 45, 369-430. ASIS&T.
The first version of my HCI history to add the field of Information Science to human factors, management information systems, and computer science. Extended and update in From Tool to Partner: The Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction.
L. Efimova & J. Grudin, 2008. In C. Lankshear & M. Knobel (Eds.), Digital literacies, 203-226. Peter Lang.
Expands the discussion of results presented in previous papers on enterprise use of blogs and IM.
Lilia Efimova was an early blogger and analyst of new media.
J. Grudin, 2006. In P. Zhang & D. Galletta (Eds.), HCI in MIS (I): Foundations, 402-421. Sharpe.
AIS SIGHCI was forming as I was starting to explore MIS HCI history. This was incorporated into later treatments.
J. Grudin, 2005. In K. Okada, T. Hoshi & T. Inoue (Eds.), Communication and collaboration support systems, 13-23. Ohmsha.
An overview of CSCW perspectives, recognizing that the information tsunami was just beginning.
A. Kirah, C. Fuson, J. Grudin & E. Feldman, 2005. In R.G. Bias & D.J. Mayhew (Eds.), Cost-justifying usability, 2nd edition: An update for the Internet age. Morgan Kaufmann. (Amazon book description)
Anne, Carolyn, and Evan were Microsoft colleagues.
J. Grudin & M.L. Markus, 2004. In A.B. Tucker (Ed.), Computer science handbook, 2nd edition, chapter 44. CRC.
Reprinted from the 1997 first edition, my first effort to think organizationally on a broad scale.
M. Lynne Markus is at Bentley University.
J. Grudin, 2004. In W.S. Bainbridge (Ed.), Berkshire encyclopedia of human-computer interaction, 316-326. Berkshire.
Seeking to understand the CHI-human factors gap, I came to feel that the discretion (or lack of it) in use was at the heart of it.
L. Palen & J. Grudin, 2002. In B. Munkvold, Implementing collaboration technologies in industry,159-180. Springer.
Shared calendars being uncommon in academia, these results can difficult to engage with.
Leysia Palen is on the faculty of the University of Colorado.
G. Fischer, J. Grudin, R. McCall, J. Ostwald, D. Redmiles, B. Reeves & F. Shipman, 2001. In G.M. Olson, T.W. Malone & J.B. Smith (Eds.), Coordination theory and collaboration technology, 447-472. CRC.
A review of an ambitious embedded knowledge project that eventually collided with the Web.
With Gerhard Fischer’s talented group at Colorado.
J. Grudin, 2000. In G. Hatano, N. Okada & H. Tanabe (Eds.), Affective minds, 159-167. Elsevier.
A book in honor of Masanao Toda, author of the wonderful ‘fungus-eater’ and other essays.
J. Grudin, 1999. In Y. Matsushita (Ed.), Designing Communication and collaboration support systems, 1-15. Taylor & Francis.
Five years after early surveys, an update.
J. Grudin & S.E. Poltrock, 1999. In J. G. Webster (Ed.), Encyclopedia of electrical and electronics engineering, vol. 8, 512-523. Wiley.
An encyclopedia article mostly distilled from our 1997 survey.
J. Grudin & S.E. Poltrock, 1997. In M. Zelkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Computers Vol. 45, 269-320, 1997. Academic Press.
J. Grudin, 1996. In T. Moran & J. Carroll (Eds.), Design rationale: concepts, techniques, and use, 453-470. Erlbaum.
Adds a fourth development context to those in my 1991 Computer article.
J. Grudin, 1990. In B. Laurel (Ed.), The art of human-computer interface design, 171-185. Addison Wesley.
Reprinted in R. Baecker (Ed.), Readings in groupware and computer supported cooperative work. Morgan Kaufmann, 1995.
A concise account of challenges and a cautious forecast. The only article I’ve revisited without wanting to wordsmith.
Journal Articles

H. Ishii, M. Kobayashi & J. Grudin, 1993. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 11, 4, 349-375, 1993.
Extended version of a CSCW’92 paper of the same name. I worked on experiments with the system designed by my NTT co-authors.
J. Grudin, 1991. Human-Computer Interaction, 6, 2, 147-196.
Learning experiences from years of working in UX design and development.

J. Grudin, 2004. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 11, 1, 1-25.
Observations on conference and journal publication after six years editing ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.
J. Grudin, 2013. The Information Society, 29, 2, 71-77.
Proposes a conference reviewing process that could be an improvement, after summarizing analyses in earlier essays.
J. Grudin, 2009. Interacting with Computers, 5-6, 370-374.
If the link is behind a paywall, the authors’ version.
From a memorial issue for a pioneer who was always considerate and gracious.
J.L. King, S. Iacono & J. Grudin, 2007. The Information Society, 23, 4, 251-256.
For a memorial issue, the evolution of our former colleague’s views.
John King, now at Michigan, Suzanne Iacono, now a manager at NSF, and I were UCI colleagues of Rob Kling.
J. Grudin, 2005. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 27, 4, 46-62.
If the link is behind a paywall, the author’s version.
My first full-length article, building on a 2004 encyclopedia article, prior to incorporating library and information science.
Y. Rui, A. Gupta, J. Grudin & L. He, 2004. Multimedia Systems, 10, 1, 3-15.
This system came to be used internally for presentation capture for a time.
Yong Rui, Anoop Gupta, and Li-wei He were colleagues at Microsoft Research.
J. Grudin, 2003. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 15,73-77.
Not about the TV show, this makes a case for linking personas to participatory design.
D. Bargeron, J. Grudin, A. Gupta, E. Sanocki, F. Li & S. LeeTiernan, 2002. Journal of MIS, 18, 4, 117-145.
Synthesizes work from several earlier papers.
Liz Sanocki is a UX designer and lecturer, Francis Li an interaction designer/software engineer.
J. Grudin, 2001. Human-Computer Interaction, 16, 2-4, 269-286.
If link is behind a paywall, the author’s version.
This invited commentary on a published article was an early approach to what the key issue affecting the uses of digital media, IMO.
R. Fidel, H. Bruce, A.M. Pejtersen, S. Dumais, J. Grudin & S. Poltrock, 2000. Information Behaviour Research, 1, 235-247. CRC Press.
An early work focused on social aspects of information retrieval.
A multi-disciplinary team from Boeing, Microsoft, University of Washington, and Risø National Laboratory.
D. Bargeron, A. Gupta, J. Grudin & E. Sanocki, 1999. Computer Networks, 31, 1139-1153.
The Multimedia Annotation paper above, the final overview of the MRAS lecture annotation system, is a better place to start and may still reward reading.

S.E. Poltrock & J. Grudin, 1994. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 1, 1, 52-80.
My first large-scale qualitative study. Some of the anguished remarks that we quoted could be heard today.

J. Grudin, 1992. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 10, 1, 1164-1173.
A misleading description of my 1989 consistency case led me to further develop it.
Conference Papers

F. Mueller et al., 2020. Proc. CHI 2020, paper #115, 1-15.
This Dagstuhl workshop product examines a wide range of ways that technology and people can be integrated, and where we could go from here.
Grudin, J. & Jacques, R. 2019. Proc. CHI 2019, paper #209.

J. Grudin, 1988. Proc. CSCW 88, 85-93.
A revision, with ‘groupware’ replacing ‘CSCW applications,’ is in Office: Technology and People, 4, 3, 1989, 245-264. In the pre-digital-library era, conference papers were often republished in journals.)
Further reading: Successful adoption is discussed in this 2002 paper with Leysia Palen.
J. Pruitt & J. Grudin, 2003. Proc. DUX 2003.
An earlier version, also often cited, links persona use to Scandinavian participatory design. This chapter is a more standard organization of the material. Other papers on persona use are in the Design Techniques section.

M. Skeels & J. Grudin, 2009. Proc. Group 2009, 95-104.
Growing pains experienced by early users of social networking systems.

J. Grudin, 1990. Proc. CHI 90, 261-268.
This initiated explorations of HCI history over the following 25 years, reported in several publications.

J. Grudin, 2001. Proc. CHI 2001, 458-465.
These issues loom larger as displays grow and information streams proliferate.
J. Grudin, 2004. Proc. HICSS-37, ten pages.
If link is behind a paywall, the author’s version.
Extends my best-known work on groupware adoption.
J. Grudin & D.A. Norman, 1991. Proc. Cognitive Science Conference, 611-616.
An elegant article by an historical linguist on the forces that shape languages provides insights into the forces that shape interaction design.
J. Grudin & A. MacLean, 1984. Proc. INTERACT ’84, 737-741.
My first published HCI study applying a method of physiological psychologist Tony Deutsch that showed that design can trump efficiency.
Allan MacLean became a software entrepreneur.

J. Grudin, 2004. Proc. CSCW 2004, 274-277.
A multi-faceted case study written to be a teaching example.

H. Zhang, M. De Choudhury & J. Grudin, 2014. Proc. CSCW 2014, 368-378.
A cross-sectional trend study finds that social media user concerns have shifted, but otherwise behavior patterns have become more settled.
Hui Zhang is a taxonomist at Amazon, Munmun De Choudhury is on the Georgia Tec faculty.

A. Archambault & J. Grudin, 2012. Proc. CHI 2012, 2741-2750.
Four annual surveys of social networking site use during the expansion of use of major sites.
Anne Archambault was a group manager at Microsoft.

S. Iqbal, J. Grudin & E. Horvitz, 2011. Proc. CHI 2011, 891-894.
Multitaskers who know that they miss useful information multitask nonetheless.
Shamsi Iqbal is a Microsoft researcher, Eric Horvitz directs the Redmond lab.

J. Grudin & E. Poole, 2010. Proc. WikiSym 2010, article 5.
Some succeeded, many failed, all encountered issues that made sense in the general context of Mintzberg’s framework of organizational parts.
Erika Poole was then at Georgia Tech.
E. Poole & J. Grudin, 2010. Proc. WikiSym 2010, article 14.
Wiki focus can be personal, group/project, or an organization-wide ‘pedia’.
L. Efimova & J. Grudin, 2007. Proc. HICSS’07, 10 pages.
Blogging was new. A company struggled to decided how to view employees whose blog posts addressed customers.
If the link is behind a firewall, the authors’ version.
P. Dewan, J. Grudin & E. Horvitz, 2007. Proc. CollaborateCom 2007, 64-71.
Explores easier approaches to controlling information access.
Prasun Dewan is at UNC-Chapel Hill.
J. Grudin, 2006. Proc. HICSS’06, 10 pages.
How tagging, simple blogging, and search could combat chronic KM problems. If the link is behind a firewall, the author’s version.

J.S. Olson, J. Grudin & E. Horvitz, 2005. CHI 2005 extended abstracts, 1985-1988.
A longer technical report is Toward understanding preferences for sharing and privacy, MSR TR 2004-138. (PDF)
Studies that suggested effective approaches to mixed-initiative access control.
Judy Olson was visiting from University of Michigan and went on to UC Irvine.

J. Grudin, S. Tallarico, & S. Counts, 2005. Proc. GROUP ’05, 256-259.
Studies of IM and other communication tool use in enterprises and homes.
Shari Tallarico is an ethnographer, Scott Counts a colleague.
S. Poltrock & J. Grudin, 2005. Proc. HICSS’05, 10 pages.
If link is behind a paywall, the authors’ version.
Subtle issues that slowed video adoption. We expressed optimism that was borne out, though progress remained uneven.
D. Bargeron & J. Grudin, 2004. Proc. HICSS 2004.
Reviewers loved early papers that emphasized the promise of this technology, but it was more difficult to publish the challenges that eventually stopped the research. The full story is published in Grudin & Bargeron 2005.

Y. Rui, A. Gupta, J. Grudin & L. He, 2003. Videography for telepresentations. Proc. CHI 2003, 457-464.
More complete study published in Multimedia Systems.

S. Poltrock, J. Grudin, S. Dumais, R. Fidel, H. Bruce & A.M. Pejtersen, 2003. Proc. GROUP 2003, 239-247.
More observation and less interview transcript analysis might have been better, but it turned out fine.
A multi-disciplinary team from Boeing, Microsoft, University of Washington, and Risø National Laboratory in Denmark.

S. LeeTiernan & J. Grudin, 2003. CHI 2003 Extended Abstracts, 888-889.
Preventing student procrastination in using an asynchronous tool.
Scott LeeTiernan has evolved into Scott Counts.

J. Grudin, 2003. CHI 2003 Extended Abstracts, 930-931.
Once upon a time, managers were not hands-on computer users. Now most are. The change facilitates some things and creates new challenges.
T. Lovejoy & J. Grudin, 2003. Proc. INTERACT 2003, 817-820.
Observing a pattern in organizational encounters with communication technologies,
Tracey Lovejoy is an ethnographer.
J. Grudin & J. Pruitt, 2002. Proc. PDC 2002, 144-161.
This focuses more on rationale, less on practice than ourDUX 2003 paper and subsequent book chapter.
A.J.B. Brush, D. Bargeron, J. Grudin, A. Borning & A. Gupta, 2002. Proc. CSCL 2002, 425-434.
Shared text annotation to support students in a university course.
A Microsoft team joined by Alan Borning of the University of Washington.

A.J.B. Brush, D. Bargeron, A. Gupta & J. Grudin, 2002. Proc. CHI 2002, 89-96.
Shared text annotation in support of development and test teams.
D. Bargeron, A. Gupta, J. Grudin, E. Sanocki & F. Li, 2001. Proc. HICSS 34. Authors’ version.
This paper on the MRAS system was extended in the 2002 Journal of MIS article.

G. Jancke, G.D. Venolia, J. Grudin, J.J. Cadiz & A. Gupta, 2001. Proc. CHI 2001, 530-537.
Our system encountered unexpected resistance by a few colleagues with strong privacy issues.
S. LeeTiernan & J. Grudin, 2001. Proc. INTERACT 2001, 472-479.
Reducing counter-productive procrastination in the use of an asynchronous tool.

G. Jancke, J. Grudin & A. Gupta, 2000. Proc. CHI 2000, 384-391.
Used successfully in Microsoft Research’s large lecture room.

L. He, J. Grudin & A. Gupta, 2000. Proc. CSCW 2000, 127-134.
An earlier CHI’99 short paper version: He, Gupta, White & Grudin, Design lessons from deployment of on-demand video.
An analysis of years of data from internal training video use that provided insights into how to organize presentation material.

L. He, E. Sanocki, A. Gupta & J. Grudin, 2000. Proc. CHI 2000, 177-184.
Contrasts four approaches to delivering lecture summaries.
S. A. White, A. Gupta, J. Grudin, H. Chesley, G. Kimberly & E. Sanocki, 2000. Proc. HICSS 2000.
If the link takes you to a paywall, the authors’ version.
A remote lecture support tool evolved through use in internal training courses.

J.J. Cadiz, A. Gupta & J. Grudin, 2000. Proc. CSCW 2000, 309-318.
Study of large-scale use of annotations by a large development team.

J.J. Cadiz, A. Balachandran, E. Sanocki, A. Gupta & J. Grudin, 2000. Proc. CSCW 2000, 135-144.
Students attending synchronous lectures on standard platforms of 2000 could outperform those in classroom settings.
L. He, E. Sanocki, A. Gupta & J. Grudin, 1999. Proc. MultiMedia 99, 489-498.
Automation of video highlight extraction. This complements the 1999 time-compression paper below.

N. Omoigui, L. He, A. Gupta, J. Grudin & E. Sanocki, 1999. Proc. CHI 1999, 136-143.
A reduced set of features appeared in Windows Media Player and are now widely available.
G. Mark, J. Grudin & S. E. Poltrock, 1999. Proc. ECSCW’99, 159-178.
Case study of successful desktop conferencing adoption in the 1990s.
Gloria Mark is on the faculty of UC Irvine, Steve Poltrock and I have long collaborated.

L. He, A. Gupta, S. White & J. Grudin, 1999. CHI 99 Extended Abstracts, 276-277.
For a more complete account see He, Grudin & Gupta (2000), Designing presentations for on-demand viewing.
D. Bargeron, A. Gupta, J. Grudin & E. Sanocki, 1999. Proc. World Wide Web 1999.
The Multimedia Annotation paper above, the final overview of the MRAS lecture annotation system, is a better place to start and may still reward reading.

D. Bargeron, A. Gupta, J. Grudin & E. Sanocki, 1999. CHI 99 Extended Abstracts, 278-279.
The MRAS (asynchronous lecture annotation) system and first study. Subsequent papers listed above are better sources, such as Multimedia Annotation…

S. A. White, A. Gupta, J. Grudin, H. Chesley, G. Kimberly & E. Sanocki, 1999. CHI 99 Extended Abstracts, 274-275.
More complete version, same title, published in 2000 (above).

H. Ishii, M. Kobayashi & J. Grudin, 1992. Proc. CSCW 92, 33-42.
First publication of ClearBoard design and evaluation. A more comprehensive treatment is in 1993 journal article of same name.
Professional Magazine Articles
J. Grudin, July 2020. ACM Interactions, 32-34.
My first research at Microsoft was on the design and use of distance learning tools. Some of what we learned 20 years ago is relevant in the pandemic.
J. Grudin, 2018. IEEE Computer, 51, 10, 40-47.
A look at forces that can impede the adoption of innovative technologies and practices in education. These include customers not understanding the needs of users (teachers and students), competing priorities that platform builders face, and historical inertia that constrains educational practices.
J. Grudin, 2018. Interactions, 25, 5, 50-53.
This essay reviews past efforts to bridge HCI communities in different disciplines, primarily through conference attendance. This reviews and analyzes that history and suggests that joint short-term, large-scale hackathon-like events might be a better way to foster knowledge transfer.

J. Grudin, 1994. Communications of the ACM, 37, 1, 92-105.
Further reading: This paper focuses on the general version of a problem that inspired the original paper.
J. Grudin, 1994. IEEE Computer, 27, 5, 19-26.
Further reading: Updated version.

J. Grudin, 1989. Communications of the ACM, 32, 10, 1164-1173.
Consistency is often good, but not always. It gets complicated when you must decide what to be consistent with.
Further reading: The case is extended in this note, analyzed here, and placed in a larger context in this article.
J. Grudin, 1991. IEEE Computer, 24, 4, 59-69.
How the contexts of product development, in-house development, and contract development differ.
Further reading: A fourth development context.

J. Grudin, May 2008. ACM Interactions, 30-33.
Who would have thought? User centered design approaches of Henry Ford and Howard Hughes that we invented?

J. Grudin, September 2011. ACM Interactions, 70-73.
I used the dialogue approach of Plato to discuss the effects of new technology, and set the record straight on what Socrates and Plato felt about writing, with parallels to digital technology.
U. Farooq & J. Grudin, 2016. ACM Interactions, 23, 6, 26-32.
Implications for design as we enter a new phase in our relationship with technology.
Umer Farooq is a senior design researcher at Microsoft.

J. Grudin, 2016. Communications of the ACM, 59, 11, 37-39.
Over forty years, technology has changed academic life for better and worse.
J. King & J. Grudin. IEEE Computer, May, 2016, 82-85.
Technology can threaten some jobs without affecting overall employment.

J. Grudin, 2016. ACM Interactions, 23, 1, 6-7.
How technology could be amplifying the Peter Principle.

J. Grudin & G. Williams, 2013. ACM Interactions, 20, 6, 15-20.
Lillian Gilbreth and Grace Hopper, their contributions and context.
Gayna Williams is founder of If She Can I Can and Swash Consulting.

J. Grudin, 2013. ACM Interactions, 20, 1, 68-73.
Conferences invading the ecological niche of journals. What might biologists say?

J. Grudin, G. Mark & J. Riedl, 2013. Communications of the ACM, 56, 1, 44-49.
A survey of conference program selection across computer science, including our introduction of a revision cycle for CSCW 2012.
Gloria Mark, from UC Irvine, John Riedl, from the University of Minnesota, and I were CSCW 2012 program co-chairs.

J. Grudin, September 2012. ACM Interactions, 62-66.
Effects of waves of technology adoption, illustrated by oscillating ties in the field of CSCW.

J. Grudin, July 2010. ACM Interactions, 38-40.
The content of Computer Supported Cooperative Work has changed over the years.

J. Grudin, March 2010. ACM Interactions, 76-78.
HCI at the beginning of the computer era; ACM scans in early proceedings.
J. Grudin, 2009. AI Magazine, 30, 4, 48-57.
The history of AI suggests a past rivalry for resources, and decent prospects for a future alliance.

G. Olson & J. Grudin, March 2009. ACM Interactions, 38-40.

J, Grudin, September 2008. ACM Interactions, 65-67.
A fresh look at contributions of Vannevar Bush, Ivan Sutherland, and Doug Engelbart.

J. Grudin, 2007. ACM Interactions, 14, 3, 52-53.
This conference signaled to me that HCI was on a path to domain-specific basic research. (This has proven to be true, though more slowly in CHI than elsewhere.)

J. Grudin, 2007. ACM Interactions, 14, 3, 5-7.
An observation that publishers’ policies and practices were not keeping up with technology change.

J. Grudin, March 2007. ACM Interactions, 48-52.
Gazing into a crystal ball.

J. Grudin, November 2006. ACM Interactions, 50-53.
How we continually underestimate the impact of Moore’s Law and associated legislation.

J. Grudin, September 2006. ACM Interactions, 54-57.
The relationship of AI and HCI, elaborated in an AI Magazine essay.

J. Grudin, July 2006. ACM Interactions, 54-57.
The parent organization of ACM and IEEE, and the disease that killed it.

J. Grudin, May 2006. ACM Interactions, 58-61.
How did the once-massive minicomputer industry disappear?

Grudin, J., March 2006. ACM Interactions, 45-47 & 55.
For my first history column, as a test, I wanted to see if I could say something new about a field I’m not in.
L. Efimova & J. Grudin, 2006. Inside Knowledge, 10, 4, 4-27.
Overview for a professional magazine (authpr’s version).

J. Grudin, January 2006. ACM Interactions, 54-59.
This invited article, based on my 2005 Annals of the History of Computing paper, led to the Timelines series of columns, most written by other authors.

J. Grudin, 2002. Communications of the ACM, 45, 12, 74-78.
An essay covering social and cognitive aspects of information visibility.
J. Grudin, 1999. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 14, 1, 8-9.
The complexity of the effects of awareness and visibility discussed here are still under-appreciated.
D.R. Gentner & J. Grudin, 1996. IEEE Computer, 29, 6, 28-35.
If the link takes you to a paywall, the authors’ version.
The evolution of technologies digital and non-digital.
Don Gentner was a friend and collaborator from my first months in graduate school until he died in 2005.

J. Grudin, 1993 Communications of the ACM, 36, 1, 102-111.
Unintended consequences of terminology choices.
Online Resources
J. Grudin & S. Poltrock, 2012. In M. Soegaard & R.F. Dam (Eds.), Encyclopedia of human-computer interaction. Foundation.
An overview of CSCW with illustrations and links to resources, in an online encyclopedia.
Panelists: N. Carr, J. Grudin, D. Kirsh, & J. Zittrain. 20 July 2009. SETI Institute, broadcast on NPR.
A panel discussing the effects of technology on how we think. I’m the optimist.

M.S. Bernstein, P. André, K. Luther, E.T. Solovey, E. Poole, S.A. Paul, A.K. Kane, & J. Grudin, 2009. ACM CHI 2009 Extended Abstracts, 3493-3494.
Finally making use of the acting class taken in grad school. The video is also here.
The inspired creators of this video were interns back then.
Blog Posts
This blog post examines the challenges faced by our high schools in shifting to pedagogies to instill critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills: The content of what is taught is increasingly not what students will find useful.
This blog post describes how my interest in HCI history developed, leading to the book From Tool to Partner: The Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction. Potential benefits from reading it and the challenge of writing an objective account of a time we lived through are covered.
Written just after sending in the final edits to my book From Tool to Partner: The Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction, this blog post briefly describes the book, then identifies some peculiarities of the English language that the copy editors and I had to work out.
A version of this online blog later appeared in print in ACM Interactions, 2016, 23, 1, 6-7.